“How Much Are They Paying You?” Jack Black Continues to Receive Blowback For Endorsing Biden

It’s not gone well.

Actor Jack Black has continued to receive blowback after he doubled down on endorsing Joe Biden, with many asking how much he had been paid, and media outlets describing the criticism as “abuse”.

Black appeared in front of Hollywood elitists and Democrat political activists at a fundraiser in Los Angeles where the cheapest ticket was $250 a head.

He proceeded to deliver a cringeworthy speech that was about as funny as a cancer diagnosis.

After receiving an immediate backlash, Black however chose to only double down, posting the clip on X with the comment, “Let’s gooooooooooooo!!!!!!”

Bad move.

The blowback was instantaneous, with many accusing the School of Rock star of selling out to the regime.

Ludicrously, establishment-aligned outlets like the NME described the criticism as Black being “abused” by Trump supporters.

As we document in the video above, the roster of Biden’s celebrity advocates for 2024 is the most depressing list since Schindler’s.

With celebs like Cardi B and The Rock, who were actually more relevant more recently than a quarter of a century ago, distancing themselves from Biden having endorsed him in 2020, the Biden campaign is really scraping the barrel.

They’re left with dregs like George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbara Streisand, who is even older than Biden himself.

Good luck re-capturing the lost Zoomer vote with that parade of washed up has beens.

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Comments 5
  1. The K.K.K., Must Be Holding Pix Of J.B. With A Underage Groupy!-How Else Would This Washed Up Fool Be Conned Into Looking Like An Imbecile?

  2. I saw this guy ranting about Biden the other night and had no idea who the old hillbilly was. I literally had no idea it was Jack Black. Completely unrecognizable and obviously deranged. I thought it was an old bum. No wonder no one’s going to movies anymore. Devil image from the Tarot on his shirt (from X) is interesting.

  3. Guess what? This has been is now getting a lot of publicity and since he has no ethics to begin with, he has nothing to lose.

  4. wow… that was truly disappointing, he must be sucking up to producers with a dim hope of getting a role soon. I guess when you have $50 million you don’t care what the inflation is.

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