Watch: Obama Has To Grab Biden And Lead Him Off Fundraising Stage

Does this look like a man in charge of anything?

Footage has emerged from Saturday of Joe Biden being literally lead off stage by the hand by Barack Obama at a fundraiser in California, highlighting once again that Biden is mentally gone.

It seemed like Obama had been briefed to get Biden off the stage as swiftly as possible.

The body language here is a dead giveaway. Obama is almost shoving Biden off stage.

The White House has denied that this happened, yet everyone can see this isn’t normal.

Biden had only just got back the previous evening from the G7 summit, where he was witnessed wandering around in a state of perpetual confusion.

A report quoting insiders at gathering warned that Biden struggled to focus and is “the worst he’s ever been,” with attendees from other delegations saying it was “embarrassing.”

During the fundraising event Saturday, Biden and Obama sat and talked to Jimmy Kimmel as if it was some sort of TV talk show while celebrities in the audience looked on.

The event was a desperate attempt at keeping up with Trump’s fundraising with the likes of George Clooney, Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts appearing at the event.

While Trump raised over $400 million in one week from real American people, Biden has to rely on Hollywood celebrities for money, and isn’t enough of a draw on his own, so has to get Obama to sit with him.

They raised a reported $30 million. No where near what Trump has hauled in this month.

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Comments 5
  1. With ANY Luck These Washed Up Imbeciles Will Leave For Some Other Island When Trump Gets His House Back!

  2. It’s said that Caligula planned to (or did?) make his horse a consul. It does not matter if that was fact or an ancient metaphor for corruption because we have surpassed it by an order of magnitude.

    The American Empire has a pedophile figurehead suffering dementia and incontinence and no one in authority will talk about this obvious disaster. The legislative Branch, the Judiciary, the “free” press, the military ….. all silent. What does that mean?

  3. A star studded event where everyone pretends everything is alright. You can see the pretense in their eyes.

  4. Yep, that’s “america”!
    Where the black lead the blind!
    God bless Russia!
    Where White people rule their own country!

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