Hopelessly Out Of Touch: Media Says Hollywood Is Key To Biden Re-election

Biden’s base is now a small cadre of uber lefty actors and their hangers on

In a hilarious piece of ‘journalism’, Axios via the New York Times has published an article claiming that Hollywood celebrities are the key to Biden’s efforts to win the election in November.

The piece was a reaction to Biden’s fake plastic Hollywood fundraiser Saturday in California where the likes of George Clooney and Julia Roberts sat and watched Obama talking to Jimmy Kimmel while Biden looked around wondering what the hell was going on.

“Biden’s campaign broke Democrats’ single-evening fundraising record during a previous high-profile event featuring several current and former presidents.” The article written before the event on Saturday states.

It continues, “A-listers, like those of Biden’s campaign extravaganza at the Peacock Theater, could be his secret weapon against former President Trump, The New York Times’ Peter Baker writes.”

Could they be more out of touch with American voters?

Biden’s base is now a small cadre of uber lefty actors and their hangers on who paid up to $500,000 per ticket to sit and watch a 40 minute cope fest about how the Orange man dictator is still bad.


They were also subjected to this utter cringe from Jack Black dressed like an actual clown and bombing hard.

They raised $30 million, which is pathetic given that it’s one of their salaries for one movie. 

Everyone one else, real people, donated to the Trump campaign, which raised over $400 million in one week.

There’s nothing everyday Americans love more than being lectured by fawning Hollywood elites, right?

The reaction was brutal:

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“How Much Are They Paying You?” Jack Black Continues to Receive Blowback For Endorsing Biden

Comments 12
  1. Fire season has started in California. It’s a perfect time for the brilliant Democrats to replace Joe Biden with Gavin Newscum as California burns because of the latter’s Leftist forest and water policies.

  2. Seem To Be Running Low on The Blackmail?-Where was P.Diddy?-Or Maybe The 3 Letter Club Hasn’t Found The Laptop Yet?-Or The Ones Pictured Molesting Children Aren’t Real Entertainers But ARE the 3 Letter Agencies?-The Laptop-Chinese Propaganda?

  3. Hollywood is key to a Biden re-election. Just like sci-fi, fantasy, and once upon a time, are just made up scenarios for lies.

  4. I think “Hollywood” is what’s out of touch these days. “Hollywood and the actors/actresses that make up this bunch isn’t anywhere near what they were 50 or even 30 years ago.
    No respect, all liberals, all woke. FJB and F*ck all of these Hollywood so called “Celebrities.”

  5. I guess the dumb democrats haven’t heard that Hollywood is dead, obsolete, 100% un-interesting.

  6. For this busload of clowns to stick their necks out this far it can only mean one thing. Most of their investments are doomed if Trump drags the Kenyan out of the white house. That also applies to at least half the house of representatives. Both groups are so detached from the suffering 80% at home they don’t have a clue what’s going on as most probably spend years offshore on some billionaire getaway nor do they give a rats arse. Boycott that garbage disguised as entertainment.

  7. Movies industry, busted. TV industry, busted. Yeah, no, most people don’t put any stock in what professional make believers think.

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