G7 Dignitaries Say Biden Was “Losing Focus”; “Worst He’s Ever Been”


A report quoting insiders at the G7 summit this past week has warned that Joe Biden struggled to focus at the meeting of world leaders in Puglia, Italy. 

According to one source, Biden is “the worst he’s ever been,” with attendees from other delegations saying it was “embarrassing.”

As we highlighted, Biden was seen wandering off like a dementia patient and looking perpetually confused.

The footage of Biden prompted mocking headlines. 

Biden also skipped the dinner later in the evening, before returning to the US.

Of course, the Biden campaign claims it’s all “lies” and the footage of him was “taken out of context.”

Biden’s campaign spokesperson Adrienne Elrod described the headlines and reports as “disinformation” and suggested that social media platforms should prevent it from being shared.

It has also been reported that the debate between Biden and Trump scheduled for June 27 will see the pair seated at tables at the request of Biden’s campaign.

Trump told the hosts of the Cats & Cosby Show last month “I hear now we’re sitting at tables. I don’t want to sit at a table.”

“I said, ‘No, let’s stand.’ But they want to sit at a table,” Trump further remarked, adding “So we’ll be sitting at a table as opposed to doing it the way you should be, in my opinion, in a debate.”

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Comments 2
  1. Jill, his wife, the secret service, or even the Italian Prime Minister. Somebody has to assist Biden to get on/off the stage and back to his seat. How embarrassing it is for the American public. FJB. Worst president in this nations history

  2. Joey Diapers is like “america”!
    Dead and he doesn’t even know it!
    He is the iceberg that will sink the USS Titanic!

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