Who Is Watching This? Star Wars Lesbian Witches ‘Use The Force’ To Get Pregnant Without Men

Put a chick in it and make her lame and gay

The new Disneyfied Star Wars series is as bad as was expected, with one scene involving lesbian space witches going viral.

The series, called “The Acolyte,” already dubbed the ‘gayest Star Wars ever’ by some of its cast, has lived up to the title in every sense.

The scene below shows the characters conducting some sort of spasticy ritual to immaculately conceive twins by using the force… or something.

They could’ve used men, or sperm donors to get pregnant, or filed for adoption, but why bother with the effort and paperwork when you can just do a freaky dance and wave your hands around like a Bez from a galaxy far far away.

‘But Anakin Skywalker was an immaculate conception,’ ideologically captured nerds might cry. Ok, but that’s was a decent story. This is space lesbians dancing rainbow rhythms.

Whatever it is, it’s not Luke Skywalker blowing up the Death Star. It’s an insult to even put this in the same universe as The Empire Strikes Back.

The reaction was hardly glowing:

Yes, it’s only Star Wars, but like everything else modernity touches, it’s turned it to shit.

THE MESSAGE simply has to be injected regardless of whether it is relevant to the plot. 

In another recent Disney produced Star Wars animated show Tales of the Empire, one of the episodes featured a non-binary Jedi, for no good reason.

In one scene the they/them agrees to surrender to an Inquisitor, a character that hunts Jedi, just as another Inquisitor sneaks up from behind and attempts to kill the they/them.

The would be murderers then respect the pronouns of the non binary character they just attempted to kill.

Star Wars: The Acolyte has also been in the headlines owing to its ‘star’ Amandla Stenberg saying that “white people crying was the goal” of one of her previous movies.

As we previously highlighted, the next movie instalment of the Star Wars franchise, is to be directed by a Pakistani feminist activist, and the plot “will be shaped by a woman”.

Place your bets on how many tens of millions they’ll lose at the box office.

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Comments 12
  1. Completely unrealistic. Everyone knows today’s women would use the force only to induce abortions!

  2. They will need to find a way to get pregnant w/o men — who would seriously want to fuck these types of people?

  3. To get a clue of why the small hats at disney weaponized star wars against the fans, think if the new character of inquisitor, that comes from the 1500s Inquisition, when 14000 christians died… but 2000 jews died. The Catholic Church is evil and killed jews. Get it… that’s the kind of antiwhite crap that goes into Star Wars.

  4. Smaller franchise, but Disney/BBC seem determined to kill off Doctor Who by the same crap. I read (because I sure as hell won’t watch) there was a gay kiss between the black Doctor and some other guy. Obviously wasn’t needed for the plot, but again, the ‘message’ must be all pervasive (or should that be perverted).

  5. “They could’ve used men, or sperm donors to get pregnant, or filed for adoption, but why bother with the effort and paperwork when you can just do a freaky dance and wave your hands around like a Bez from a galaxy far far away.”

    Yeah, and Luke Skywalker could have actually used some sort of gizmo that might actually work instead of “the Force” to levitate stuff, or simply get it to him, which is what he wanted.

    I mean, don’t tell me that Star Wars was ever sciency, because it never was.

    And hey, getting pregnant by “the Force”, or an angel, or whatever, has a looong tradition. It’s just getting updated to the most likely modern case, which is, a lesbian witch. I mean, who else would go around claiming an immaculate conception these days?

  6. The funny thing is that not only are they eliminating long time fans, of which I no longer consider myself, they are also eliminating newer fans. I have kids, all boys, and none of them feel any interest or connection to Star Wars. It’s just a pile of 💩💩 now. And I actually look forward to it’s failure and destruction.

  7. Mostly the people who are watching it are just cheering the demise at this point and only tuning in to see the woke cringe, but I repeat myself.

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