‘Grand Tour’ Presenter Stands Ground After Calling Rows Of Pride Flags “Oppressive”

“It may be seen as authoritarian, and therefore oppressive.”

British TV presenter James May, most famous for being a part of motoring shows The Grand Tour and Top Gear with Jeremy Clarkson, is under fire for pointing out that the uniform rows and rows of Pride flags installed every year in central London look “oppressive.”

May made what was supposed to be a tongue in cheek comment on X, noting that while he has “observed and admired” the Pride movement for years, the recent displays are guilty of “Too Much Bunting,” which “may be seen as authoritarian, and therefore oppressive.”

May added, “Please remember that some terrible things, with which you would not wish to be allied, began with TMB. World War Two, for example. Nice flag, though.”

And then they came for him.

But May stood firm.

Still they came at May:

How dare he talk in any way negatively about the precious symbol.

What about Christmas lights though?

They kept coming and May kept batting them away:

But but but Nazis uh uh uh:

He wasn’t backing away.

Some among the LGBTQ community agreed with May’s original point of ‘it’s a bit over the top’.

Flags are interesting.

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Comments 6
  1. The Nazis are a product of the Left and are close cousins to the communists. Just compare the life of the average worker and you will see that the similarities are very real. Yes, the fascists tend to be nationalistic, while the communists seeks to conquer foreign countries in order to benefit the home nation. Yes, the Nazis murdered 8 million Jews, but the communists in the Soviet Union managed to starve 20 million Ukrainians. Hard to find a signification difference between these two Leftist cousins.

  2. The flags/bunting are completely over the top, though. And actually, it’s not hard to imagine what they would look like with a certain red and black logo from WW2 Germany – in other words, oppressive, exactly as May said. Even the Nazis didn’t paint their colours all over the road. In most Western countries, the alphabet people already have all the same rights as everyone else, so why do they even need a month/week/day?

  3. Displaying these “pride” flags and painting of such on roads would never have been tolerated in Nazi(National Socialist Germany) for very good reasons. They are an attack on human values the family, and cohesiveness of a country.

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