LGBTQ Anger As More Skid Marks Appear On Another Pride Road Mural

What do they expect? It’s a road

Just 24 hours after yet another rainbow ‘Pride’ thing was painted all over a road, it has tyre (or ‘tire’ if you’re American) marks on it, prompting an angry reaction from the alphabet brigade.

This monstrosity was dawbed all over an intersection in Huntington, West Virginia.

Notice how the actual road markings, which are there for safety, are faded to the point of barely being visible.

Did they think of spending the money to restore those first?


They even fitted a high tech camera system to watch over the precious.

But wait, what’s this now?

It’s “bullying.”

It’s now becoming obvious that while some people are doing burnouts and donuts on the pride road things, most of the time these marks are just left by people driving over them.

You know, on the road in their car.

How long before it’s declared a “no go zone” or some children are jailed for this despicable hate crime?

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Comments 5
  1. I’ve been born long enough to remember when a thin blue line painted between the solid yellow lines in roads across America drove the Left bat shit crazy because of who it represented.

  2. Real Americans hate this Sexual Insanity!
    The problem is, they LOVE the “gods” that
    shove the Insanity down their throats!

  3. They have bloody skid marks in their underpants, and nobody cares.
    They make videos of themselves putting feces under their nose. Like a Shitler Mustache. They make videos about their buttmonkeypox sores. Besides the tires today do not make good burnouts. You have to go get some bias ply tires—like the 1960s. Pride?

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