Conservative Party Could ‘Disappear’ as Farage’s Reform Surges in Polls

Dorries predicts “annihilation” of Tories.

Former Conservative Party politician Nadine Dorries says we are likely to see the “disappearance” of the Tories after the next election as Nigel Farage’s Reform continues to surge in polls.

“What we’re seeing right now is possibly the annihilation of the Conservative Party,” the former culture secretary told The News Agents podcast.

“It’s probably going to disappear and, you know, certainly if Reform take over, given tactical voting which is taking place already in many constituencies and given the uprising in Reform’s votes and support since Nigel Farage decided he would stand as leader, I think you could see the disappearance of the Conservative Party.”

This is good news because the Conservatives have utterly failed to protect Britain’s borders, overseeing deranged levels of mass migration that have seen over a million people entering legally a year as well as over 120,000 in total illegally entering on small boats.

Only after the Tories are utterly ruined can a void be created for a genuinely conservative party like Reform to take their place as a real opposition to Labour.

With the election now less than a month away, Nigel Farage’s shock announcement that he will once again lead Reform and stand as an MP in Clacton has drilled the final nail in the coffin of the Conservatives.

A poll conducted in the two days after Farage made his announcing has Reform level with the Tories, meaning they will almost certainly be ahead of them by early next week.

According to commentator Matt Goodwin, “It’s now entirely plausible Reform is already level with, if not slightly ahead of, the Tories.”

“It means —as I’ve been warning for months— we are now on the cusp of something truly historic in British politics,” he writes.

“An inflection point. A major turning point when Reform might start to replace the Conservative Party in the polls and, over the longer-term, the political system.”

With Brits having witnessed powerful right-wing movements across virtually every major European country achieve success after success, in some instances entering government, there is finally hope for the United Kingdom.

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