Maher: If Trump Goes To Jail There Will Be A Racial Civil War

“MAGA nation will go nuts”

HBO ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher has predicted that if Donald Trump is sentenced to any prison time, there will be a civil war that will quickly evolve into a race war because of MAGA supporters.

“Here’s the key question: Is he going to go to jail? Would this judge dare do that?” Maher said, adding “And should he? I heard some people say if his name wasn’t Donald Trump he would definitely get jail time.”

“MAGA nation will go nuts. I don’t know if that’s a reason to or not to do something, but they will,” Maher continued during the discussion with former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod.

Maher went on to suggest that “because the judge’s name was Juan,” putting Trump in jail would lead to racial political violence.

“Everything becomes racial in this country. That’s partly because of our horrible, despicable racial past, partly because some of that racism lives on in the present and some of it because the far left makes everything racial. But that’s what it’s going to be.” Maher further posited.

“A civil war in this country, I’m sorry to say, becomes a race war. That’s the sad truth about this country,” the host continued, adding “And if they put him in jail, I mean, the first thing his supporters are going to say is, ‘Oh, that’s what it is.’ A Black district attorney. You know, all these people who are the district attorneys, they’re black. The judge was not White. This is what it is.”


As we highlighted earlier this week, former US Attorney for the District of Utah Brett L. Tolman is adament that Judge Merchan will give Trump jail time.

“This judge has considerable power now, on July 11th he has the power to take Trump forthwith, he can take him, put him in custody right then and he can do it for whatever period of time,” said Tolman, warning that despite there being a range of sentencing, “the rules are out the window, who knows what this judge will do.”

“I predict he will give him some jail time, I think he will fine him, he’ll give him a stern lecture and then he’ll promptly plan his retirement and a book deal,” concluded Tolman.

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Comments 25
  1. Juan Marchan was born in Colombia to a military family. His father had CIA connections. Juan is a creature of the Deep State. In this trial there were to be a total of three judges acting on aspects of the case, all chosen randomly. He was chosen for all three.
    The fix is in. This case reminds me of the Warren Commission in which Allan Dulles, the head of the CIA was named head of the WC. If Trump is sent to prison, his secret service protection will be denied, and he will be murdered.

  2. A war we can’t win because they control the government, the military, the police, the media and we’re outnumbered and outgunned. The civil war started decades ago and it’s only a matter of time before we’re extinct. The same goes for Western Europe and Oceana too.

  3. Maher is an idiot because nobody has ever been convicted of the ‘crime’ Trump supposedly did. Maher is an idiot.

  4. I really don’t understand why people care what this guy thinks. He’s obviously very ignorant and uninformed. He purports to be a political and cultural pundit, but he repeatedly reveals that he’s got his facts wrong. So why are we listening to an old guy who’s snarky and opinionated about his wrong facts?

  5. As much as the Leftists would like everything to devolve into a civil/race war, it will not. The vast majority of Trump supporters are Bible reading, law abiding, constitutionalists. The best you are going to get from this lot is the enthusiastic support of candidates that support their views. Race and racism could not be further from their thoughts. Where do Leftists even get these ideas? Perhaps some self reflection is in order?

  6. America is not the only country in the world with a history involving slavery. In fact, the United States was one of the first countries in the history of the world to end slavery.

    Common knowledge if you’re educated and have a brainstem.

  7. Does This Moron Actually Get Paid To Spout Bull Dung From Its Face?-What An Idiot!-You Can’t Fix Stupid And Stupid Does What Stupid Is!-Like This Imbecile Knows ANYTHING About The Human Race??-Not To Mention Being AWARE Of Whats Going On In The World of Reality!-Criminals Come In Every Color And Every Culture!!-Look At The White Ones/K.K.K. Ruining the Country And Then You Have The 3 Letter Agencies Telling Lies About a Certain Crakhed Sucking Its Daddy’s Dik!-Yes Sounds Like a CIA Asset Heading up the Child Prostitution Ring in the Ukraine!-Tells Us ALL We Need To Know!-Corrupt From Top To Bottom!-Maybe Putin Needs To Cleanse The U.S.S.A. and Rename The Nation-“Nuketopia”

  8. Maher you are an idiot. Trump supporters (including the added 35 million or more since the verdict) are not about race, not about color, but about principles, ideals, fair treatment and opportunities, freedom of speach, press, and not subverting masses with “questionable” messaging.

    The Progressive left will try to drive this to riotous behavior, but since it didn’t self initiate after the verdict, the right will not bite. Say goodbye to the Soros wing and their ilk. they are don, never to return in his or his son’s lifetime.

  9. >HBO ‘Real Time’ host Bill Maher has predicted that if Donald Trump is sentenced to any prison time, there will be a civil war that will quickly evolve into a race war because of MAGA supporters.

    One mistake that commentators in American politics make all the time is assuming that when somebody says “If we do A, then B will happen…” it means that it’s possible to stop B by not doing A. In fact, if B is something that is going to happen anyway, that sentence is still true. (For example: “If we stop sending weapons to Ukraine, NATO will fall to pieces.” If NATO is doomed anyway, that sentence is still true.)

    Why is nobody discussing the possibility that maybe the USA is heading to a civil war anyway, regardless of the actions of any law enforcement officials?

  10. Why would it be racial? It might be a civil war but it will be Americans against Commies. I like out chances.

  11. No war, no revolution, nothing but the usual whine and moan!
    Whites have no balls!
    And they LOVE the Foreign Nazi Rulers who HATE them!

  12. The fantasy world of Bill Maher. Voting for Trump is civil war to these hyperventilating clowns. The voting booth is the battle field. His kind would love to precipitate an excuse to declare marshal law in order to “save OUR democracy”.

  13. Maher is a moron. We all know who is pulling the strings – socialist Democrats. They try to make things about race but we know it’s not. The next civil war will be socialism vs. republicanism. And both the Democrats and “Republicans” are on the same side against us.

    1. Yeah, that is WHAT they do, project and accuse others of what they themselves do.
      It is NOT the maga voters, it is any and all voters who would vote for Trump. Their losing the battle of election interference does not mean they are correct. If there were a civil war, it would probably be all who would vote for Trump and his great policies against these lying, cheating lefties.

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