Watch: Hillary Clinton Flashes ‘Evil’ Grin After Trump Guilty Verdict

“Anything going on today?”

Democrats went into full celebration mode following the guilty on all counts verdict of the sham hush money trial against Trump, with Hillary Clinton leading the pack.

The two time presidential loser was speaking at… some thing that was paying her hundreds of thousands probably, and she couldn’t resist referring to Trump.

“Anything going on today?” she asked the crowd who began shrieking like demons released from hell.

She looks like the Joker:

Remember, this is the same person who wiped servers and destroyed hard drives with hammers to hide evidence of wrongdoing.

This is the person who bankrolled a fake dossier claiming Trump liked to be peed on by Russian hookers and then paid off the Federal Election Commission to drop the investigation into a breach of campaign finance law.

Clinton wasn’t the only one celebrating, with the Biden campaign reportedly cheering and high fiving on hearing the verdict:

Biden doesn’t want to appear “overly celebratory”?

He literally put out a celebration statement on the back of the verdict:

Trump issued a statement urging “I’M A POLITICAL PRISONER!”

The statement continued, “They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, AND NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!”

“But with your support at this moment in history, WE WILL WIN BACK THE WHITE HOUSE AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump asserted, adding “Crooked Joe Biden needs to get the message – right here, right now – that his chances of a 2nd term END TODAY!”

As we highlighted earlier, Google searches for ‘how to donate to Donald Trump’ experienced a colossal spike following the sham verdict, his campaign donation website briefly crashed because of all the people trying to give him money, and mega donors pledged to donate millions more than they were intending to.

Leftists don’t understand the scale of the backfire:

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Comments 7
  1. The old Hag knows that the Foreign Nazis that rule America
    (and all the West) can do EXACTLY what they want!
    Their Slaves will NEVER lift a finger against them,
    because the Slaves worship them as “gods”!

  2. LMAO!! Killiary Thinks It Has Gotten a Pass For Prison!-Trump Will Appeal And The Jurors And Judge WILL BE Audited Eventually!-This Adrenochrome Addict Will Die From Withdrawal Once It Is Behind Prison Walls Along With ALL The Rest Of The K.K.K./Democrapic Pretend Millionaire Puppet Politicians!-Spending Its Millions To Defend Itself?-Nope!-Spending Its Millions To Find a Safe Island To Hide!-Huge Rewards Will Be Posted Yearly And The Scum Will Spend Its Last Days Paranoid and Terrified at Every Sound and Sighting!!-Bounty Hunters UNITE!!

  3. They wrong-sized her cheek implants — gives her the faint resemblance to Pinocchio. Anyone measure this witch’s nose lately?

  4. What is it with these sicko Leftists? They supposedly retire, yet they keep hanging around, and never go away. These filthy creatures are like Herpes. the more you try to ignore them, the worse they get.

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