Former US Attorney Says Judge Will Give Trump Jail Time

Tolman says judge may override sentencing range.

Former US Attorney for the District of Utah Brett L. Tolman says Judge Merchan will give Donald Trump jail time, asserting, “The rules are out the window.”

While Trump was convicted on 34 counts in a brazen political show trial, even some of his most ardent critics don’t think he’ll actually go to prison.

However, that’s not the view of Tolman, who told Benny Johnson the United States was facing a constitutional crisis “that does change the game.”

“If we realistically look at this case, there never was an acquittal possible,” said Tolman, adding that he thought a hung jury was likely but that outcome was demolished by a judge who was “leaning on the scales of justice” before opening arguments even began.

“His rulings on motions to exclude evidence, his rulings during the trial, his objections to cross examination…you know it’s bad when the judge takes a different tone when speaking to the prosecution versus when he speaks to the defense in front of the jury,” said Tolman, adding that this clearly influenced the jury.

“This judge has considerable power now, on July 11th he has the power to take Trump forthwith, he can take him, put him in custody right then and he can do it for whatever period of time,” said Tolman, warning that despite there being a range of sentencing, “the rules are out the window, who knows what this judge will do.”

“I predict he will give him some jail time, I think he will fine him, he’ll give him a stern lecture and then he’ll promptly plan his retirement and a book deal,” concluded Tolman.

Other commentators have speculated that Merchan will come down hard on Trump because Trump said mean things about him (accurately accusing him and his daughter of being Democrats) before the trial began.

However, appearing on CNN, Attorney Mark O’Mara suggested Trump would end up serving no time whatsoever because he would win on appeal.

O’Mara said the odds of Trump winning on appeal were “pretty good” because Judge Merchan didn’t do everything in his power to “ensure a fair trial uninfected by the outside world.”

“The idea that this jury wasn’t even sequestered, not even during deliberations, not to mention that week before between trial and closings – I think that’s a massive mistake,” said O’Mara.

He predicted that Trump’s defense team would “follow the trail” of every juror including “where they drove, what they did, every billboard they saw, all of that and that’s gonna be the fire for appeal that this jury was infected with negativity, that this judge didn’t protect their client from,” he added.

Trump’s sentencing date is set for July 11th, four days before the Republican Convention.

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Comments 13
  1. Unadulterated BS, This trash incites people. The press must be held accountable for their thoughts, the play on weak minds

  2. I dunno if this is such a bad thing. Hear me out before throwing the rotten veggies.

    Trump was a participant in the clot-shot genocide. There is no way he did not know what was happening. He’s an accessory to American genocide at a minimum. He murdered an Iranian General in cold blood. That’s premeditated murder. Right now, he’s a public figure providing material support for the Israeli mass murder of Palestinians.

    Left, right or center, it does not matter. This guy is a hard core murderer. I would not care if he got 100 year behind bars. Seriously. Note: Having said that, I damn sure don’t want the drooling pedophile or any other Demonrat in the Executive Branch.

    1. You’re an IdiotLib, Ray, satying President Trump “murdered an Iranian General in cold blood. ” IRAN is OUR ENEMY and the enemy of the entire CIVILIZED – by which I mean non-muzzieScum world. Killing a scumbag muzzieScum (pardon the redundancy) is not cold-blooded murder, moron. It’s SELF-DEFENSE.

      1. Well …. one of us is an idiot.

        In 1953, CIA and MI6 overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran and installed a dictator. You see, the Iranian PM had the novel idea that Iranian oil belonged to Iran. CIA and MI6 thought it belonged to western oil companies.

        In 1979, Iran took back their government and installed their preferred governance. They also took back control of *their* oil. We’ve been their enemy ever since.

        Truth is, Israel is the enemy of most of the civilized world. Whether they know it or not.

        1. You’re a muzzieScum aren’t you – Funny how there are 57 muzzieScum shiiteHoles – which became muzieScum ShiiteHoles by killing, enslaving and of course raping the women and goats. Israel has done nothing but defend itself from the never-ending muzzieScum inhuman attacks. And as far as Iran, the iranian people do not support the muzzieScum leader who thankfully was killed in his helicopter. They were once free people, living like civilized people across the world – now their women are basically slaves and have to dress accordingly. But hey – that’s WHAT YOU SUPPORT.

          1. I’m not a fan of religious theocracy. I believe that treating women as a second class citizen is bullshit. But, that is *their* choice. Not mine, not yours. When their citizens have had enough, things will change.

            Israel, on the other hand, is a real nasty piece of work. Israel is a zionist, apartheid, racketeering, international parasite ruled by psychopaths. If you knew one damn correct thing about the last 75 years, you would not defend them at all.

        2. Oh look, another pieceofShiiteMuzzieScum buddy of yours expressing his grattitude to be allowed to immigrate to a CIVILIZED COUNTRY!! Fucking Animal, like all muzzieScum!!

  3. This is what the Foreign Nazis planned from the beginning!
    Get rid of Trump and the next Election is in the (Nazi) bag!
    I’m just waiting for the “Civil War” the Trumpsters have promised!
    Civil Wars take BALLS!
    The Right Wingers have none! 😁

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