Biden Struggles To Fill School Gymnasium

Low energy

Joe Biden failed to fill a high school gymnasium in Philadelphia Wednesday amid reports that Democratic operatives are in full blown “freak out” over his decline.

The gym was about half full:

They had to bump up the numbers with kids from the school:

Apologists pathetically claimed the shots were taken early and it later filled up. No it didn’t.

Compare Biden’s turnouts to Trump’s recent rallies:

Biden had Elmo warm up the crowd for him:

Someone tried to speak through feedback to ‘launch’ something they announced as “Black voters for Harris-Biden”.

Then the real clown show got underway:

Biden made no sense and talked gibberish throughout again:

The internet is as important now as it was under Roosevelt:

It’s basically anyone’s guess as to what he means:

He again screamed about someone or other “trying to erase black history.”

“I’ve got loads of black friends.”

It’s all such pandering cringe:

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Comments 5
  1. Actually,,, Unbelievable… I could never have guessed his actual public appearances would be so pathetic…
    Any other democrap need convincing now, that he is a illegitimate president?

  2. Look at the people in the background, they went from smiling faces to disenchantment/confusion/boredom in under 10 minutes.

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