Biden Labor Dept. Slammed For Using The Word ‘Menstruators’ Instead Of ‘Women’

Why does this post seem like there is confusion about who menstruates?

The Biden Department of Labor has received backlash for replacing the word ‘women’ with the made up term ‘menstruators’.

In social media posts marking Menstrual Hygiene Day (yes, that’s a thing), the department linked to its own blog page featuring a post titled ‘5 easy actions employers can take to help menstruators thrive at work’.

No where in the post are women even mentioned.

And what has their menstruation got to do with their employer, particularly if that employer is the government?

The responses were brutal.

It’s yet another example of how entire departments of government under Biden are completely ideologically captured.

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Comments 3
  1. Remember that asshat who said awoman, to counter amen? That how I see this with Biden.
    Both Idiots.

  2. Exact same BS here in the UK. The NHS refers to “pregnant people”. Scientifically impossible for anyone except a WOMAN to be pregnant.

  3. Menstrual hygiene day? Seriously? I am a woman and I hate this! Do we have a bathroom hygiene day as well reminding people to wash their hands and wipe? And menstrators? Gross terminology, all these sodomites in the Biden cabinet really hate women and are projecting that onto everything.

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