Watch: Illegal Immigrants Shocked At How Easy It Was To Get Over US Border

“no security check, no background check”

A group of illegal immigrants who crossed into the US expressed shock at how easy it was for them to get into the country and warned that the US government is allowing anyone to just walk in completely unvetted.

One of the migrants, from Turkey, told reporter Bill Melugin that he paid a cartel member $10,000 to get him across the southern border at Jacumba, California.

The migrant told Melugin that he had applied for a visa to enter the country legally multiple times but had been rejected on each occasion.

The man commented “In fact, American people is right,” referring to those who repeatedly warn that the border is wide open.

He added that it is all “completely true” and even expressed concern that there is “no security check, no background check” to root out potential “killers or psychopaths.”

Melugin was at the border once again documenting a huge group of illegals attempting to cross, originating from countries all over the world, including Iran, Pakistan and China.

As we highlighted last week, migrants are surging the border now because they believe Donald Trump is going to win the election in November and enforce security, according to a report quoting the illegals themselves.

Two brothers from Columbia who had crossed into the US and had eventually been put on a flight to New Jersey stated “We think with the elections, it will be harder,” adding “We don’t want Trump.”

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Comments 3
  1. Die Invasion kann und darf nicht gestoppt werden, Vorschrift von UNO mit dem Migrationspackt von 2018 der von 194 Staaten unterschrieben wurde!!!

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