Juicy Drama (New Info)

Bad faith.

So it was about “Christ is King” after all then?

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Comments 11
  1. Shapiro has a large following but allows airs his dirty laundry in public. I bet Jeremy Boering is regretting taking him on.

  2. The biblical god was a brutal blood thirty tyrant not a loving god and that because he and his fellow travellers became seen as gods with the spaceships and nuclear weapons. Old Hebrew texts tell of them, ie many gods (27) on this planet eventually adopting various tribes and fighting each other until one known as yahweh became supreme dispersing the remaining and followers around the earth. Yahweh chosen tribe was the Jews hence them believing they are the chosen ones. But they were chosen by the alien leader not the real god of the cosmos.

  3. False. Where do you get this? Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all of the Disciples were Jewish. I bet you do not like Jews but pray to Jesus who was Jewish.

  4. Christ is King, and one day every knee shall bow and confess Christ is the lord to the glory of the father.

  5. Christ is King!

    All 13 tribes of Israel are semite (descendants of Shem), not just Jews…who were removed from Israel 1000 years before Christ, becoming a separate nation (Judea). Oh, and the state of “Israel” is not Israel, but in name only…home to the enemies of God (liars, thieves and murderers). Only a VERY few of them will be brought back at the last day (those who follow Christ, not Judaism), making 12 tribes to inhabit the mansion and the Levites (13th) to serve God at His throne, as foretold in Ezekiel. They are not the chosen ones, as this was given by Abraham to the sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh)…not Judah. They are liars since the selling of Joseph to Egypt, through WW2 (the holo -hoax) to this day…even hijacking the name “Israel” when they were removed by God. They are thieves since their beginning, stealing from all people to this very day. They are murderers since long before Christ, then they killed Christ…and they continue to murder to this day.

    All will be revealed at the last day. Most are in for a very rude awakening when He appears.

    God bless Candace Owens.

    Again, Christ is King!

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