Here’s Why A Trump Video Mentioned A “Unified Reich”

The video has since been deleted from Trump’s social media

The Biden campaign and its leftist mouthpieces are running hog wild with a new ‘Trump is a Nazi’ talking point after a video the Trump campaign reposted contained a caption purportedly touting “the creation of a unified Reich.”

The 30-second clip, which wasn’t made by the Trump campaign, displayed a hypothetical newspaper front page imagining his return to the White House, along with headlines including “What happens after Donald Trump wins?” and “What’s next for America?” along with “Trump wins!” and “Economy booms!”

Some blurred text momentarily appears beneath the headlines that reads “Industrial strength significantly increased… driven by the creation of a unified Reich.”

The video has since been deleted from Trump’s social media, with the campaign noting that the video had been created by a “random account” and “reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word” Reich in the footage.

The truth behind the blunder is that the video was made using a newspaper template called ‘Vintage History Headlines” available for purchase via graphics and web design site Envato. The ‘unified Reich’ statement is part of that template.

It is not a great look for the Trump campaign, who certainly should not be just re-posting videos made by people on the internet.

It provided ample fodder for Biden and media minions to suckle on and serve up.

For a moment the likes of Joy Reid and The View were able to live out all their wildest fantasies about Trump literally being Hitler:

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Comments 2
  1. Sadly, T-Rump is no Hitler!
    He LOVES Jews and is a 100%
    Israel Firster!
    That’s why I’d NEVER vote for him!
    America needs an AMERICAN. in the White House!

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