Bill Maher: “Biden is “Cadaver Like”

“He’s going to be Ruth-Bader Biden.”

During an appearance on The View, broadcaster Bill Maher said that Democrats need to accept Biden is too old and that he now presents as “cadaver-like.”

Host Joy Behar began by saying not a lot of people are “happy” that Maher goes after both Trump and Biden, prompting Maher to assert that he actually goes after Trump more because he was right about Trump not relinquishing power and wanting a coup (even though he relinquished power in 2020).

In a very revealing comment, Behar then revealed how she was “nervous about saying anything against Biden” because she “might influence the people who are on the fence” to vote for Trump.

Maher responded that refusal to criticize Biden would see him “lose all credibility” because people would know he wasn’t being authentic.

The Real Time host then explained how despite Trump and Biden being close in age, “Biden just presents as old.”

“You look at somebody right away, you can just sum them up…I saw him yesterday making that speech, I mean I’m sorry, he’s cadaver-like,” said Maher.

Behar then ludicrously asserted, “But his brain is good, he’s still great,” a statement that could only be made if she hadn’t seen one of his speeches in the last 5 years or was lying.

“He should get out, because he’s just lost the faith (of) people,” said Maher, adding that “he’s going to be Ruth-Bader Biden,” before going on to explain how Ruth-Bader Ginsburg staying on too long destroyed her legacy and handed the Supreme Court to Republicans.

As we highlighted yesterday, Biden’s most recent embarrassment occurred when he gave a speech asserting that he was the VP during the COVID pandemic.

After Biden absurdly challenged Trump to a debate, ignoring the fact that Trump had been demanding debates for months, Republicans called for drug tests to be carried out before the two go head to head.

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