TikToker Warned by Police He Might be Committing a Hate Crime For Making Fun of LGBT Car

“You’re very very close to committing a public order offence.”

A TikToker in England was warned by a police officer that he was on the verge of committing a hate crime after making fun of an LGBT-colored car.

Yes, really.

“Mate, what the fuck has happened to the UK?” asks the TikToker, Edward Matthews, before showing a police car emblazoned with the gay rainbow colors.

“The UK is absolutely finished bruv, we should not be seeing this on fed cars,” adds Matthews, before asking a police officer stood nearby what he thinks of it.

“Maybe you should watch your tone in public, there’s nothing wrong with the car,” responds the officer.

When Matthews expresses his opposition to LGBT being taught to children in schools and the fact that “they’re plastering it all over the fucking UK,” the cop tells him he should reserve his opinion for when he’s at home.

The TikToker continues to assert that it’s “diabolical” children are being taught about LGBT in schools, to which the officer warns him he needs to be “careful” about how he voices his opinion in the public domain.

Matthews jokes that he’s going to get into power and “ban” LGBT propaganda, to which the officer responds, “You’re very very close to committing a public order offence.”

“If someone overhears that who is a part of this community, the LGBTQ community, they could quite easily interpret it as a hate crime, so please just be careful,” he adds.

Matthews ends his video by joking about how unintimidating it would be to be chased by a police car covered in a rainbow flag.

Hate crime laws are so authoritarian in the UK that people can have ‘hate incidents’ recorded against their name merely if someone claims they were offended.

A Christian pastor was arrested by police in London after a member of the public reported him for the “homophobic” comment of saying that marriage was between a man and a woman.

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Comments 7
  1. 80 years ago Britain swore to fight the fascists on the beaches and the field and in the streets, now they welcome them in the front door and elect them their lords and masters.

  2. Wonder how many vacations to the UK were cancelled due to perverts and Muslims destroying their country–besides MINE?

  3. WHERE is the FLAG for the REST of the PUBLIC( Every Group, Idiot? That would be fair????
    TOO STUPID for the Badge on his Brown shirt Uniform!!!!

  4. They were mentally insane in the Nazi Soviet Union and they are
    mentally insane today!
    Soon the Foreign Nazis will be gone and our world will be sane again!

  5. Genuine points voiced but as he’s domiciled in Britain you’d think he would know there’s a prime minister interested and not a president……

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