Watch: Biden Tells Black Students They Are Being “Killed In The Streets”

His support among black voters is collapsing

During a commencement address Sunday at Morehouse College in front of black male graduate students Joe Biden claimed that black people should “naturally” question Democracy because they are being “killed in the streets.”

“It’s natural to wonder if Democracy you hear about actually works for you,” Biden stated, adding “If Black men are being killed in the street. What is democracy?”

He continued, “The trail of broken promises that still leave Black communities behind. What is democracy? If you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot.”

Is this Biden’s way of ‘bringing Americans together’?

It seems like he’s insinuating that Democracy is skewed against black people and that they are being murdered by non-blacks, which if anything is an inverse of the truth.

Elsewhere during the speech, Biden labelled Trump supporters who believe they are ‘patriots’ “Insurrectionists.”

He also once again lied about being a civil rights activist:

Later on Sunday at the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner in Detroit, Michigan, Biden repeated the same debunked claim:

He also claimed that “people” are trying to “ban books” and they want to “erase black history. Literally.” 

He’s desperately trying to whip up fear among black voters as his support among the demographic is collapsing and Trump’s is surging.

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Comments 5
  1. Oh LOOK!!-A White Demented Puppet President Who Thinks Like Most Of Its Cheating Morons Its Black!-Hate The White Man Cos The Puppet Black President Didn’t Do All Those Things It Accuses The Opposition of Doing!!-SO Obvious! Desperate Criminals Trying To Find a Way To Dig its Way Out Of The Swamp it is Quickly Sinking Into!-More Monty Python Instead Of Delusional Reality!-Using Stupidity To Avoid Trial And Incarceration?-Again!-The TOTAL Opposite Of The Right Side Of The Coin!-This Career Comedian Makes It MORE Obvious Every Second it Trips Across The Screen!-And Its Ruining Your Country Daily!-The Only Voting Base That Wants this Moron Around is Dead!-They Don’t Have a Voice!-The Dead Are Forced To Participate In a Charade That Reflects On How The Living NEED To Be Controlled!!-And If There Are ANY Above Ground That Are Still On Its Leash?-Then They Are Probably To Old And Senile To Even Know Whats Going On Around Them?-A Great Example-Bob De Niro!-Total Adrenofied!

  2. “Black people are being killed in the streets.”

    Yeah, sometimes by folks they’re trying to rob, but mostly by other black people.

    Stop thuggin’…stop getting shot.

  3. Hey Biden, blacks and whites can read statistics. As for you Biden, you’re just another in a long line of political whores who will say and do anything their handlers dictate.

  4. With an I. Q. of 10 and only three functioning brain cells, it’s a wonder he can do anything more than sh-t his diapers!

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