CNN Suggests Trans Athletes Don’t Have An Advantage Competing Against Women

Actual medical experts disagree

A recent CNN documentary suggests that transgender athletes competing in women’s sports don’t have any advantage despite going through male puberty.

The programme, titled The Whole Story with Anderson Cooper: The Battle Over Transgender Athletes claimed to provide a balanced look into the issue, but ended up doing the exact opposite.

Despite referring to cases of biological men suddenly becoming successful and setting records at their chosen sport after deciding to identify as women, the documentary stated that “Research on whether transgender athletes have an advantage is limited.”

One section focused on swimmer Riley Gaines noting that “When you have males who have gone through male puberty, it takes away that fairness. We can’t neglect fairness and safety in hopes to be inclusive.”

A caption then appeared stating “A 2017 Sports Medicine study concluded there is ‘no direct or consistent research’ showing that transgender people have an athletic advantage.”

In addition to the obvious upper hand a biological male clearly has over women in sports such as swimming or weight lifting, leading medical experts agree that transgender athletes have an unfair advantage over biological females even after having undergone testosterone suppressing therapy.

Back in March, sixteen female athletes, including Riley Gaines filed a lawsuit against the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) pertaining to the continued participation of transgender competitors in their respective sports in the US.

The suit charges that the NCAA has made a “radical departure from Title IX’s original meaning,” and is guilty of sex-based discrimination.

The complaint, filed in United States District Court in the northern district of Atlanta, Georgia, also points to hundreds of female athletes being forced to share changing facilities with Lia Thomas, the transgender swimmer who at the time still had “full male genitalia.”

Thomas went on to claim the NCAA title in the women’s 500-yard freestyle event, beating two Olympic silver medal winners into second and third.

Several sports at the Olympic and world level have banned trans athletes from women’s categories. If the lawsuit succeeds this could happen at the national level.

As we highlighted last week, Donald Trump has vowed to overturn Joe Biden’s recent rewrite of Title IX to include protection for transgender identifying people, calling it “crazy” that a policy that was originally enacted to protect women and girls can now be used to allow biological males to go into female locker rooms and compete in women’s sports.

More than 20 states are now suing the Department of Education over the changes to Title IX.

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Comments 8
  1. Men and women are equally important – but are NOT equal, as intended, created and ordained by God.

    One cannot change ones gender.

    These “trannies” (no such thing) are sick perverts!

    Say “No” to


  2. CNN’s proof that trannies don’t have a physical advantage over women is that every now and then they’ll get second place, instead of first. Rarely.

  3. Its Called The Propaganda Machine for a Reason!-All It Takes is $$$ And These Prostitutes Will Vommit ANYTHING Out Of Its Bullshit Hole!

  4. Simple question – where are all the “transboys” dominating boys’ football, baseball, soccer, swimming, etc? Oh, there are none, because even if you take a 13 y/o girl and load her up on test she still will get destroyed if she tries out for the HS football team. Because she’s a girl.

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