Seven Out Of Ten Europeans Say Governments Allowing Too Much Immigration

In some countries 80-90% said there are too many foreign migrants

A survey encompassing all 27 countries in the European Union has found that most citizens believe their countries are taking in too many foreign migrants.

The poll conducted by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE, has found that seventy one percent say there is too much unchecked immigration.

The survey also discovered that 85% of respondents believe governments need to do more to combat irregular migration

Just 39% said they believe that Europe needs migrants coming in from elsewhere.

The countries where most people said immigration is too much include Greece (90 percent of respondents), Cyprus (84 percent), Ireland (78 percent), Austria (77 percent), Germany (77 percent), and Bulgaria (76 percent).

The findings dovetail with a stunning poll out of Germany that finds widespread opposition to mass migration across the board.

Recent German government statistics show that 41 percent of all crime suspects are foreigners, despite them making up a much smaller percentage of the population.

As we highlighted last week, a German politician was found guilty of ‘incitement’ by a district court and fined $6000 after she posted a link to the same government statistics on crimes committed by migrants, specifically rape, and asked why they are so disproportionately high.

X posts highlighting the stats, including our own, were also temporarily limited without explanation.

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Comments 4
  1. And those 7 are STILL licking the bottoms of their Foreign Nazi “gods”!
    “The Master can NEVER become the Master
    unless the Slave wants to become the Slave!”

  2. Well, it is perfectly clear that the 70% of those polled are mongers of hate; viscious mongers that monger relentlessly in hate.

  3. Communists want to destroy western civilization. This just the most expedient method to replace the voter base.

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