When Diversity Goes Wrong

It’s shifting fast.

More people are noticing subtle and not so subtle changes to their towns and society in general.

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Comments 5
    1. That’s what the vast majority of the population want, but none of our political parties have the balls to do it.

    2. Western countries are doing this to themselves. Knowingly or not, they are committing suicide.

  1. When White people give away their Homeland to Foreign Nazis,
    then stand by and watch as the Foreign Nazis give it to criminal
    3rd World Feces, they no longer have any right to their Homeland!
    Like Darwin said;
    “No balls, no future!”

  2. Weeeeeeeellllllllllll……….

    ROACHES !!!

    Rumor has it they like to send home food to family.

    ROACHES !!!

    Luckily I live in the deep north. If the -40C doesn’t get you the wolves will.

    La paix 🙂

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