Princeton Palestine Protesters Ridiculed For Being On “Rotary Hunger Strikes”

They passed the hunger strike baton

Student protesters at Princeton have been relentlessly mocked for announcing that they are going on “rotary hunger strikes,” taking it in turns to starve themselves as a protest against Israel’s action in Gaza.

As we highlighted last week, the attention seeking trust fund babies at Princeton complained that the University is not monitoring their health while they claim to be on hunger strike.

One of them whined that she is “literally shaking” through starvation and that her group is all “immunocompromised,” then accused University officials of “physically weakening” the group on purpose.

Now, the cosplay refugee group has announced that a “first hunger strike wave has ended, and the second wave has begun.”

In an X post, they added that “In the tradition of rotary hunger strikes, SEVEN NEW STRIKERS are indefinitely fasting for a free Palestine.”

Those commenting on the post noted that the hunger strikers have therefore “passed the baton.”

The protesters tweeted out a revised messaged, after admitting they had gotten wrong the number of days the “first wave” had been on strike for:

People pointed out that there is no such “tradition” as “rotary hunger strikes”:

What even is a “rotary strike”?

They mean rotating.

They’re supposed to be at an Ivy League school.

Just look at the state of them:

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