‘Non-Binary’ Woman Has Two Transgender Boyfriends and Two ‘Non-Binary Children’

What a mess.

A video has gone viral on X showing a ‘non-binary’ woman in a relationship with two transgender boyfriends bringing up two ‘LGBTQIA’ children.

There’s a lot to unpack here.

The threesome are in a “polyamorous relationship,” with the woman in question having decided to partner up with two men in dresses.

The woman reveals that they are bringing up a “2-year-old antegender baby” and a 10-year-old who is “non-binary,” both of whom have “they/them” pronouns.

Antegender apparently means, “A protean gender that can be anything but is formless and motionless,” whatever the hell that is supposed to be about.

The woman reveals how they have not decided on what gender their child ‘Sparrow’ is, and that the kid will have to figure it out.

Wow, I wonder if the three of them had any impact at all on the two poor kids not just being male or female?

They claim they “let their children choose their gender,” and the 10-year-old just happened to choose to be “non-binary” with, I’m sure, absolutely no influence whatsoever from the ‘parents’.

They are all then seen walking down the street wearing masks outside, including the 2-year-old, denoting their membership of the face covering cult.

Having decided to make their situation as public as possible by plastering it all over the Internet and doing media interviews, the woman complains about receiving hateful messages.

The woman is referred to as ‘Ari’, but is also called ‘Papa’, meaning she is apparently the father and the men in dresses are the two mothers.

One of the transgenders says his parents “got it wrong” when determining his gender.

Yeah, it looks like they got a lot of things wrong, mate.

Good luck to these poor children.

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Comments 8
  1. I feel I owe China a major f-cking apology for all the times I’ve criticized them over the years…
    Because we’ve been betting on the wrong freaking horse, dude!

  2. It’s painful for a person such as myself, who loves children, to realize that the issue of this weird union will not, and should not, survive and propagate.
    Drug overdoses, murders and suicides don’t come out of nowhere or happen in a vacuum.

  3. No children choose to be non-binary, because it doesn’t exist. Humans are binary. Children choose what their “parents” encourage them to be.

  4. Those kids haven’t a chance in hell of growing up normal. Probably be reading about a mass murder-suicide some time in the near future.

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