Fareed Zakaria Warns Democrats: Election is ‘Not Going in Biden’s Favor’

Trump will win unless there’s a big change.

Veteran CNN broadcaster Fareed Zakaria warned Democrats that Trump is leading Biden on major issues across the board and that he will win the election unless Biden does “something bold” to change things.

Zakaria made the comments on his Sunday show after admitting that the election is not “playing out as I thought it would.”

“As someone worried about the prospects of a second Trump term, I think it’s best to be honest about reality,” he said.

Zakaria then reeled off multiple examples of how Trump is not just leading Biden in almost all of the key swing states, but in public sentiment as a whole.

  • Despite supposedly low unemployment rates, Trump has a 22 point lead on Biden when voters are asked who they better trust to handle the economy, largely due to runaway inflation.
  • Trump leads Biden by 35 points when voters are asked which candidate would better deal with immigration.
  • The pro-Palestinian protests could be “Biden’s Vietnam,” with only 33 per cent of Americans approving of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war.
  • The legal persecution of Trump via the various show trials he is involved in have only hardened and infuriated Trump’s base, as well as provoking sympathy amongst the general public who think Trump is being politically targeted.
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Cornell West and Jill Stein will likely all take away votes from Biden.
  • Trump now leads Biden by 16 points when voters are asked who is more competent and effective, a view driven by Biden’s age and his bizarre early onset dementia behavior.

“I understand that polls are not always accurate, but in general, they have tended to underestimate Donald Trump’s support, not overestimated. I doubt that there are many shy Biden voters in the country,” pointed out Zakaria.

The CNN host said “the trend lines are not working in Biden’s favor and he needs to do something bold and dramatic” to change it.

As we previously highlighted, veteran political strategist James Carville echoed Zakaria’s sentiments, asserting, “Trump’s more ahead than he’s ever been” as he urged Democrats to try something different because everything they do is “not working.”

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Comments 4
  1. “Something bold” he says!
    Like fake 50 million Biden votes like they did last time!?
    Or maybe invite Mexico to a bowl of Chili and a Biden ballot!?
    Those Nazis are clever people!
    I’m sure they’ll think of something!

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