Leftists Triggered By Trump Policy To Potentially EXECUTE Child Sex Traffickers

Claim there will be “an execution spree” if Trump is elected

Leftist outlet The Huffington Post is upset that Donald Trump has suggested that the death penalty should be extended to drug kingpins and child sex traffickers.

In an article headlined “There’s A GOP Plan For An Execution Spree If Trump Wins The White House,” the outlet points to remarks Trump made two years ago.

He stated that while it “sounds horrible” to advocate for the death penalty, countries that don’t have a “drug problem” are “those that institute a very quick trial, death penalty sentence” for traffickers.

“You execute a drug dealer, and you’ll save 500 lives, because they kill on average 500 people,” Trump asserted at the time.

The article cites former Trump DOJ official Gene Hamilton, noting that he previously advocated pursuing the death penalty for violent criminals, particularly those convicted of sexual abuse of children. 

Hamilton wrote that the DOJ “should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children—until Congress says otherwise through legislation.”

By referring to past court decisions, the piece subtly argues that the death penalty for child rape “would violate constitutional protections against cruel and unusual punishment.”

It also negatively points to efforts in states such as Florida to expand the death penalty to such horrific crimes, before pointing out that Joe Biden has previously opposed execution entirely, but is currently remaining silent.

The article then points to multiple bills in the House and Senate that seek to abolish the death penalty for any crime.

Why is the left apparently triggered by the suggestion to extend the death penalty to make it an option for convicted violent child rapists?

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Comments 29
  1. Best News I Have Heard ALL Year!!!-Yes Bring Back The Death Penalty!!-Public Executions With Food Courts-Beer Gardens!-Live Music!!-Think Of The Enormous $$ Saved!! And Let The Crowd Decide On The Type Of Execution!!-Hanging?-Electric Chair?-Poison Shot?-For Fauci!-Guillotine?-Drawn and Quarter?-Pedophile Bleed Out?-Please Feel Free To Contact Me At ANYTIME If You Would Be Interested In Hiring a Head Executioner!!!-Pun Intended!!!-Serious Inquiries ONLY!

  2. Trump is right again. The world would be a much better place without murderers, rapists and paedos. Only lunatic Left wing cretins could argue against that. Execution squad – bullets are cheap. We need a ‘Trump’ in the UK. Even our so-called ‘conservative’ government is more to the left than Biden. God help us when Starmageddon gets in.

    1. Agreed. And ……. We should expand the death penalty to those that aided and abetted the criminal conspiracy to injure and murder Americans with the clot shot. That includes Trump.

      Some Insurance and medical estimates put the number of Americans killed at over one million. That makes Trump a goddamn mass-murderer. No wonder he bows to the Israelis — one mass murderer to another.

  3. People (men) that destroy kids’ entire lives by sexually molesting them need to be permanently removed from society. Yay Trump!

    1. Women sexually assaulting children doesn’t destroy kid’s entire lives? I disagree. Those women need to be permanently removed from society also.

      1. Just recognizing that most, if not all the molesters of young kids are men. Any woman should face the same punishment but you seldom hear of such cases.

        1. In any given year 1/4 to 1/3 of all child sexual abuse is done by females. Females are also often involved in child and adult sex trafficking. They lure girls and young women in. Much the same in England. There was even a documentary on this very topic on the BBC some years ago now giving the same stat I cited above. I also have many studies which come to this conclusion.

          Why do I have all this info? Because I was one of those children abused by females. I make it my business to know.

  4. Yeah, T-Rump wants to send all us REAL White Christians to the Gas Chambers for calling the Jews what they are, “Satan’s Children”, and for refusing to lick their stinky butts and worship them as “gods” like HE does!

    1. Christians do not call Jews Satan’s Children. Jesus, the apostles, and His mother were all Jews. #NeverIsreal sceams you are the anti semitic one.

    2. The Jews are not God’s chosen people and are guilty of many crimes but what facts prove Trump want to persecute white Christians that reject Jews? 🤔

      1. The Jews are not God’s chosen people….are you certain about that? Perhaps you’d like to phone a friend or use a lifeline.

        1. Yes, I am certain. The ones chosen were given the promise by Abraham. They are the sons of Joseph…Ephraim and Manasseh. The State of Israel is in name only, as the tribe of Judah hijacked the name. They were kicked out of Israel 1000 years before Christ, not to be brought back until the last day (and only those not following Judaism, but following Christ). This is why Israel and Judea were separate nations. Christ himself called Satan their father, as he is the father of lies. The Jews stole, murdered and lied throughout history (including WW2) even to this day.

          Being of the tribe of Judah and following Judaism (Jews) are two different things. Also, being labeled a Jew when merely a citizen of Judea the nation (regardless of actual lineage) does not make one a Jew of the tribe of Judah, now the enemies of God.

            1. John 8:44:

              “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

              1. You are quoting that out of context, Yankee. Christ was calling them children of the devil because of their lack of faith in him as the Messiah, not because of their heritage. They wanted to kill him and that desire came from their “father” the devil.


        2. Positive about that. It’s beyond me how people have swallowed the religious dogma for so long that they can’t tell fantasy from reality. There is no chosen people.

          It is true we are all connected on some level. That’s how we sometimes “know” when someone is checking us out. But is there a God? Or has all religion been an exercise in social and political control? The Romans were pretty smart people ……

      1. Trump is a psycho sock puppet, just like Biden and RFK. The only candidate worth voting for is “None of the above”.

        Time for a clean sweep. All of it.

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