Video: Entire Sections Of Chicago Airport Closed Off To House Illegal Immigrants

There are so many that they overflowed into the non sectioned off areas as well

Video footage has emerged online of large parts of Chicago’s O’Hare Airport sectioned off in order to house illegal immigrants.

The footage shared on X by Libs of TikTok shows makeshift beds and sleeping arrangements inside the terminal.

The sections have been obscured by temporary black out barriers to prevent the public from seeing what is going on.

The person who captured the footage says that he was asked not to record and that he saw mainly hispanic men occupying the areas.


Some respondents to the post claim that they have seen the same thing happening at other airports including JFK in New York:

This footage has emerged following an earlier story of an entire school in New York being closed in order to house 2,000 illegals.

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Comments 2
  1. Don’t worry. It’s just our governments importing an army of 3rd world military aged men to create an army to take over our countries. Nothing to see here.

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