Kids ARRESTED AND JAILED For Leaving Scooter Skid Marks On ‘Pride’ Road Mural

Complete clownworld

A nineteen year old and two other teenage children have been arrested for leaving scooter skid marks on a LGBTQ flag painted on a road intersection in Spokane, Washington.

Yes, really.

They were all charged with first-degree malicious mischief, a class B felony in the state, after police described the damage as “black scuff marks consistent with scooter wheels.”

Good lord, the horror.

KREM News reports that the precious mural had recently been repainted after a previous incident last month when multiple suspects covered the road painting in flammable liquid and set it ablaze.

The report quotes a woman who called police on the kids as saying “we’re not gonna sit by as we watch people deliberately commit a hate crime like right in the middle of downtown.”

“We see that you have done this thing,” Kaylee Gaines McGee stated, further complaining that “People don’t just go and do that without intention. You don’t destroy symbols without intention behind it.”

They’re just kids, for God’s sake.

While prosecutors had sought to set a $15,000 bail for the 19 year old, he was let out of jail on the proviso not to go near the mural again.

The other two children were released after being held in the Spokane County Juvenile Detention Center.

It’s a road. Are they going to put someone in jail and spend $15,000 repainting it every time it gets a mark on it?

Also note from the video how the mural has several hi-tech security cameras and a loudspeaker pointed at it.


As we previously highlighted, this is now a common occurrence given that Democrat run councils are allowing people to paint pride symbols all over the roads.

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Comments 20
  1. Two sheeple arrested by hyenas. Big deal!.
    Sheeple can be injected, slaughtered, jailed, experimented on.. nobody cares.. they are like borg drones.

  2. I think what would wake the police up is people start reporting scuff marks over WHITE crosswalks. Force them to investigate those. If enough complaints come in maybe they will mock the other. What a waste of time.

  3. No one is out to get them. THEY are out to get (convert) the rest of us.
    If it were a Cross or American flag painted in the street, these same people would be saying, “Oh well, kids will be kids.” But since degenerates and their supporters are now running the country/world, it’s a heinous crime. And they have nothing to be proud of. Using “Pride” to describe themselves is huge contradiction in terms. It’s bad enough they stole the term “gay.” Now they want to steal another label to which they have zero right. Well, other than pride in getting their twisted sexual activities normalized, and even protected. The practitioners of sodomy exalted to saint-like status.

  4. There needs to be slip and fall lawsuits brought against every street painted freak flag. That crap is slick and slippery when wet.

  5. It’s a ROAD, for F***’s sake! If you want an LGBT mural to be in pristine condition, put it in a museum, not painted on a road.

  6. Have any arrests been made for defacing the numerous statues and monuments of American history?

    Take a hint from ANTIFA, cover your identity. Maybe even fly their flag.

  7. A shame people are not doing what they really should be doing all over this “artwork”. That would require wiping after ward.

  8. With this being said in the article. It is no wonder why Idaho would never let eastern Washington secede, like a good chunk of Oregon might do.

  9. Yet a group of “youths” who beat up a pregnant woman causiya miscarriage, got no jail time. Two teired justice system.

  10. Why are ordinary people damaging road pride murals? It’s simple, people are aware these are actually symbols of societal degeneracy and are sick and tired of this being pushed in our faces.

  11. Satan laughs!
    His Children celebrate!
    And America goes to Hell
    for the great sin of Cowardice!
    Good riddance to bad garbage!

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